Kursus bahasa inggris kilat

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Elements To Increase Your Websites SEO

Web sites that have bad content with good application of SEO may seem successful at first but in the long run when the users get to your page and realize that they are merely getting garbage for their searches, you will start to lose your popularity. That being said, it is very important to maintain good quality content and try to be very consistent about it and still be mindful of using SEO.

Why not take your website to new levels? SEO is a proven program full of tools that have as their express goal getting you and your online business seen by as many web surfers as possible.

The emergence of the Internet has made the world a smaller place to live in. Breaking through barriers, people nowadays can interact form people all over the globe and have the information they need with just the click of that little mouse. The faster the Internet connection, the better and easier.

If your content is badly written and not relevant to what you want to find for or content which are never updated, than your site is neither search engine friendly nor user-friendly. Well-written content is what search engine spiders feed on, and content is the key to high rankings.

And one more thing is that you select less competitive keywords for your website in the first stage then you go some more competitive keywords because its an ongoing process you we needs to research everyday for the keywords and constants of our website.

There is full support from the critics as well as it is an inter- related network. They help in up gradation of tools by integrating new tools with existing infrastructure. This way the site is optimized with latest information and adequate knowledge.

All those websites that cover the topic best will be displayed on the search results page at top position. For this, it is essential to have your website properly optimized for search engines, so that you are listed and placed at top positions in the search results.

One of the best ways of improving your page ranking is by building relevant linking neighborhood. This can be done by contacting and building relations with your online and virtual partners. Even if you get a single quality link per day, it means you can get around three hundred quality links over a year.

Website optimization services or SEO (search engine optimization) services help in targeting prospective clients to your website who would be interested in buying your products and services. They help in diverting quality traffic to your website.

The rise in SEO products and services in India has proved that folks below are expert and providing beneficial final results. You will discover eight techniques for SEO and also this have been noticed that Search engine marketing.


Article Directory : http://ArticleDirectory.com

Key Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

With the fast emergence of web hosting businesses over the Internet today, I can bet you that it is every web-users' goal to own a well-designed website, with fantastic web hosting features and overwhelming bunch of web hosting option tools with ample resources ready to attract their potential customers. Web hosting business is very competitive nowadays and it surely requires a lot of additional effort to be able to stay above their competitors in the same industry. In order to sustain their competitiveness, they need to continuously finding ways to attract new customers and to sustain their existing customer base at the same time.

Web hosting is a challenging but yet a very promising business with great returns and profits. However, nothing comes free, it takes a lot of hard-work and commitment for any one website to bloom and grow continuously. One of the most effective ways to gain large numbers of new customers is by enhancing the search engine optimization of one's website. The objective is for their website to earn a higher search ranking whenever their keywords are searched by web-users all over the world using some of the world's popular search engines such as Goggles and Yahoo.

However there are some key SEO mistakes which are commonly make by the web-users, all of us should try our best to avoid them any possible way we could.

a. Wrong keywords are used -
When you say that you are optimizing your site, you are actually trying to get your targeted customers to visit your site by "anticipating" on some of the keywords that your customers will be using to search for your website. Easier said than done, it takes a lot of experience and exposure for one to be confidence enough to tell the right keyword for his website. Most web-owners have not being doing enough research to optimize their keywords utilization. When the wrong keywords are used for your site, you will not be attracting the right group of users. Worst case, you will not be attracting any new users at all.

b. Overstuffing keywords -
This is just the opposite of what we have in item a) above. Any websites which are stuffed with too many keywords looked suspiciously spammed to the search engines and in most cases, they will be black-listed by the search engines. Overuse of keywords is never a good idea to enhance the SEO for one's website. A good rule of thumb would be to use the keywords moderately and appropriately.

c. Too many poor back-links-
Logically, it is true that the more back-links one have, the better it will be for your website for these high quality back-links will bring new potential customers with the same interest and likings to your sites. This stays true if one is focusing on getting links only from those sites with high quality performance and great reputation. Getting a bunch of links from those garbage sites are totally non-value added. In fact, it will jeopardize the ranking of your site as most of these garbage sites are spam sites which are forfeited by the search engines.

Have you heard of Bluehost? Bluehost Hosting is a reliable web host with strong features. Being one of the oldest brand in the industry, they definitely have something that you should take a look at. Do check out Bluehost review to find out more.

Darren is an experienced web developer since college days. Due to the nature of this expertise he needs to deal a lot with hosting providers and this has made him a good web host reviewer. Do check out his work at his website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Thomas

Selasa, 30 November 2010



Selasa, 23 November 2010

Tips memulai bisnis online untuk pemula

Semua orang ingin menjadi seorang yang sukses. Begitu juga halnya dengan para pebisnis online. Baik itu yang sudah lama terjun maupun masih sangat baru dengan dunia bisnis online. Di dunia maya sangat banyak sekali bisnis yang bisa dijalankan termasuk untuk pemula yang baru belajar. Diberbagai website kita banyak menemukan iklan dari produk yang mengajarkan tentang bisnis online. Sudah banyak orang sukses dari bisnis online, tapi tidak sedikit pula orang yang gagal didalamnya. Yang paling besar kemungkinan gagalnya itu datang dari para pemula.

Salah satu penyebab dari kegagalan dari bisnis online yang kita bangun adalah kurangnya mengenal medan perang (heheh lebay… maksudnya kita kurang mengenal seperti apa bisnis kita masuki). Untuk menghadapinya kita perlu senjata ampuh. Senjatanya itu berupa mempelajari dulu jenis bisnisnya. Belajarlah kepada yang lebih tahu.
Buat teman-teman yang masih pemula dan ingin mengenal serta mempelajari tentang berbagai macam bisnis online yang ada di internet, saya merekomendasikan produk Rahasia panas miliknya haryo hardy prabowo. Silahkan anda baca dulu seperti apa rahasia panas itu yang sebernarnya. Silahkan klik disini.
Apakah anda tertarik untuk bergabung?? Sillahkan klik disini.
Semua keputusan ada ditangan anda. Tentukanlah pilihan anda dengan cara yang smart.

Setelah kita mengenal medan perang yang akan kita hadapi, kita harus action. Kita harus menjalankan bisnis tersebut. Jangan ilmu yang anda dapat itu hanya mengendap saja dalam otak teman-teman. Hal itu tidak akan mendatangkan uang.
Sebaiknya dalam memulai bisnis online yang harus kita lakukan adalah dengan memulai dari bisnis yang mudah-mudah dulu. Bisnis yang mudah dijalankan memang biasanya hanya akan memberikan profit yang kecil buat kita. Berbeda halnya dengan bisnis yang dirasakan tingkat kesulitannya susah-susah gampang. Profit yang diberikan memang lumayan menggiurkan tapi hal itu sebanding dengan tingkat kesulitan yang akan dihadapi.

Bisnis yang susah biasanya membutuhkan waktu lebih untuk membangunnya. Hal ini dirasakan sebagai sebuah kesulitan dan kendala bagi para pebisnis yang masih pemula. Ditengah perjalanan kita akan merasakan kejenuhan. Lamanya mendapat penghasilan karena waktu untuk membangun bisnis terlalu lama akan menurunkan semangat kita dalam berbisnis. Secara perlahan kegiatan berbisnis online kita mulai kendor dan akhirnya berhenti total.

Tentu hal itu tidak kita inginkan. Oleh sebab itu kita coba memulai bisnis online dari yang dirasakan gampang. Saya menganjurkan untuk memulainya dengan berbisnis PTC dan Affiliasi.
Berbisnis PTC memang hanya menghasilkan recehan tapi kita dapat menjalankan trik-triknya sehingga kita dapat menghasilkan hingga jutaan rupiah. Untuk mempelajari tentanga PTC, mengenal trik-trik ptc, daftar situs ptc local maupun luarnegeri dan lainnya, dapatkan artikelnya di blog Panduanbisnis-online.blogspot.com.

Berbisnis affiliasi memang lebih menjanjikan ketimbang bisnis PTC tentunya dengan tingkat kesulitan yang lebih. Saya merekomendasikan untuk berbisnis affiliasi produk rahasia panas.
Klik disini untuk segera bergabung.

Dalam berbisnis affiliasi kita hanya bekerja untuk mengarahkan orang lain ke URL affiliasi kita. Bila kita ingin sukses dalam bisnis affiliasi maka kita harus rajin-rajin melakukan promosi. Di internet, sangat banya sekali situs iklan gratis yang dapat kita pasangi iklan kita. Memang pemasangannya gratis tapi kalau kita memasang iklan kita di ratusan situs iklan baris gratis tentunya akan melelahkan kita. Bila teman-teman memiliki kelebihan dana, sebaiknya memasang iklan teman-teman dengan yang berbayar.

That all for today.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Be success…

Jumat, 19 November 2010

15 lists of free submit url
















Kamis, 18 November 2010

Cara mendaftar di IDR-CLICKIT

tidak perlu banyak basa-basi, langsung saja kita mulai...
lets go....

Cara Mendaftar / register pada IDR-CLICKIT :

Langkah awal yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan mengunjungi situs IDR-CLICKIT.com

Klik disni untuk langsung kehalaman depan IDR-CLICKIT.com

Setelah masuk di halaman depan, silahkan mendaftar dengan klik DAFTAR SEKARANG seperti pada gambar

Atau dengan klik DAFTAR BARU yang terletak di pojok kanan atas.

Setelah itu teman-teman harus mengisi formulir pendaftan member. Berikut contoh formulir pendaftaran member yang harus teman-teman isi.

** isi semua kolom tersebut dengan benar lalu klik CONTINUE.

Setelah pengisian formulir pendaftaran selesai, teman-teman akan dikirim email oleh admin IDR-CLICKIT. Didalam email tersebut terdapat PASSWORD untuk login.

Jadi harap disimpan baik-baik password tersebut, bila perlu dicatat biar tidak lupa.


Sekarang anda telah menjadi member IDR-CLICKIT dan sudah bisa menghasilkan duit.

Untuk artikel cara mudah menghasilkan duit lewat IDR-CLICKIT akan di posting lain kali.

Don’t miss it…

Be Success…

Senin, 15 November 2010

Home Internet Business - Start With The Easiest Way As An Affiliate

As an affiliate in a good company, the home internet business gets the needed guidance, which has an enormous influence on the entreprenuer`s motivation. When the marketing material is tested and a merchant does not use hype style in the marketing, the home internet business start is safe for a newbie.

1. It All Starts From The Training Material.

Respected home internet business merchants use several mediums to teach the newbies: DVDs, videos, emails, training pages and forums are the most used ones. It is important that a newbie finds out that the copy style of the training material fits to him and does not use terms, which are typical marketing jargon.

The meaning of the forum is important, because there a newbie can ask stupid questions and to meet other newbies. It is also a great place to taste the general feeling, i.e. whether the affiliate program a newbie just joined is a success or whether it has great difficulties.

2. The Forum As A Mentor.

Sounds odd? Can be, but the forum people can form a mentor team for a new affiliate and it is up to the affiliate to be active and to make the questions. The people at forums form a micro society and different people have different images. It is important to find an expert to follow.

3. The Merchant Has Done So Much.

The start as an affiliate is so easy compared to the situation, when an affiliate would start alone making all the sites, blogs, banners, text ads and so on by himself. The merchant has picked the products for sale, hired experts to write the training material, which he updates regularly. The merchant handles also the customer service. The job of an affiliate is to drive visitors to the site.

4. How To Pick A Merchant?

First a warning. This market includes many scams and hype programs, which are useless. Stay away from these. A good merchant has operated in the market several years and is known among the forum people. An affiliate can even ask, whether some program is known at the forum. An affiliate can test the program by sending some emails to the customer care. If the response comes quickly and is professional, that is a good sign.

5. Can You Build Your Own Brand?

Yes, of course. The look of most marketing material follows the guidelines of the merchant. However, many merchants allow a marketer to write the site copy. If a marketer uses the article marketing, it can build the brand, because it is always seen very personal. The blog is always seen very personal, so by picking the correct mediums the brand building gets the needed power.

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. A newbie can start the home internet business as an affiliate, because it gives so great guidance for a home business. Visit: internet home business

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juhani_Tontti

Juhani Tontti - EzineArticles Expert Author

3 Great Ways to Get to the Top of Google in 24 Hrs for Free

Now this discussion is not about Keyword research. We need to assume that you have done that and know what Keywords that you want to get to the top of Google with.

This is to show you specifically how to get to the top of Google quickly, sometimes in minutes.

Let's get right to it.

1) Videos - You can create a Video in several different ways.

* A flip Camera will take Videos and allow you to upload the Videos directly to AOL and Youtube.

* You can use a Video Software on your computer such as Camtasia and create a Video from a Power Point Slides

* You can create a video using a service called Animoto. They have a Free Service and a monthly pay service.

Once you get a Video on Youtube simply do two things. One -Comment on other popular videos and provide the link to your Video, Two Find a popular video that is similar to yours and copy the tags from that video to your Video.

2) Facebook - Using Facebook FanPage you can literally advertise a link and get to the top of Google in Minutes! If you have a small business Facebook will get you rank very highly on the Google Natural search engines.

3) Article Marketing - Articles such as this one provide valuable content to people that are searching for information on the Internet.

These three different ways will allow you to get to the top of Google for a particular Key word quickly and allow you to drive traffic to your business. How you capture that traffic and convert it to a sale is a different subject.

So imagine if there are 20,000 searches on a Keyword and you are at the top of Google for that key word and you capture only 1% of those searches that is 200 new customers a month.

If you would like a free video on how to double your sales with internet marketing and video marketing, click on Dot com Breakthroughs and enter your information in the contact menu. Donald Griffith - is a Local Business Marketing Consultant with Dot Com Breakthroughs and Author of Double your Sales and Dominate your market, How to Hire the right Employee and Fastest Way to Make $10K (per month).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Griffith

Bagaimana anda dapat di bayar oleh program PTC

Mungkin sebagian orang akan bertanya, bagaimana mungkin kita mengikuti program PTC dapat dibayar??

Cuma klik doan menghasilkan duit, apa mungkin??

Beneran gak tuh?? Atau mungkin sekedar omongan belaka???

Jawabannya tentu Program PTC itu benar dapat membayar kita.

Jadi begini,

Situs PTC tersebut memasang iklan dari para pengiklan yang ingin mengiklankan produknya. Pengiklan membayar situs PTC/PTR untuk mengiklankan produk mereka. Dan Situs PTC memberikan sedikit pendapatan mereka kepada kita (clicker) untuk melihat iklan tersebut. Artinya setiap kita mengklik sebuah iklan kita akan dibayar oleh situs PTC tersebut.

Pengiklan (memasangkan iklan pada situs PTC) à Situs PTC (memasang iklan dan mencari/memberikan sebagian komisi kepada pengunjung untuk melihat iklan dari Pengiklan) à Clicker (melakukan klik iklan dari situs PTC dan mendapatkan sebagian komisi dari biaya iklan yang diberikan oleh situs PTC).

Logis kan??

Tentu saja logis.

Begitulah jalurnya sehingga kita dapat dibayar oleh situs PTC. Kita hanya bertugas melihat iklan untuk beberapa saat saja. Dan kita tidak wajib membeli produk yang diiklankan.

Bila kita menginginkan atau membutuhkan produk yang di iklankan kita dapat membelinya.

Jadi semua pihak sama-sama untung toh…

Kita dapat komisi dari situs PTC, dan situs PTC dapat uang dari pengiklan.

Sedangkan Pengiklan juga dapat untung yaitu produknya dikenal banyak orang. Semakin banyak yang mengenal produk tersebut maka akan semakin banyak calon pembelinya. Itu artinya profit akan didapatkan oleh pihak penjual prroduk.

Jadi sama-sama di untungkan.

Demikian penjelasan singkat dari saya, semoga dapat bermanfaat…

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Berapa anda akan di bayar oleh situs PTC

Mengikuti program PTC merupakan salah satu dari cara mencari uang di internet yang mudah di jalankan. Program PTC ini memang mudah di jalankan dan juga gratis. Memang yang anda dapatkan dari mengikuti program PTC ini kecil (recehan) tapi cukup lumayan hasilnya untuk seorang pemula yang baru bergelut dalam dunia bisnis internet.

Bisnis ini memang sederhana, anda hanya perlu menginvestasikan waktu 5 menit untuk menjalankannya (10 klik iklan). Untuk setiap iklan yang kita buka hanya diperukan waktu 30 detik saja untuk melihanya.

Muncul pertanyaan dalam benak kita, bisakah bisnis yang sesederhana ini bisa menghasilkan?

Tentu saja bisa. Coba kita perhatikan berapa yang bisa kita dapatkan dari mengikuti bisnis ini.

Katakan saja kita akan diberikan komisi sebesar Rp.50 untuk setiap iklan yang kita klik. Hal komisi ini bergantung pada situs PTC itu masing-masing. Biasanya kita akan dibayar Rp. 50 per iklan PTC yang kita lihat.

Hari jumlah klik komisi (Rp.50/klik iklan)

1 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

2 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

3 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

4 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

5 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

. . .

. . .

30 10 10 x Rp.50 = Rp. 500

Total 30 x 10 = 300 klik 300 klik x Rp.50 = Rp.15.000

Nah, bener-bener recehan kan yang kita dapat??

Ya, begitulah penghasilan kita dalam bisnis PTC ini, tapi tunggu dulu…

Penghasilan kita tersebut hanya dari satu program PTC. Nah bagaimana kalau kita mengikuti 10 atau 20 puluh program PTC sekaligus. Kita bisa menghasilkan Rp.150000 – Rp.300000 dalam sebulan. Namun itu baru dari akumulasi dari klik yang kita lakukan.

Bila kita mengajak orang lain juga untuk mengikuti program bisnis PTC, maka kita juga akan mendapatkan komisi juga loh.

Biasanya untuk klik yang di lakukan oleh referral/ downline (orang yang kita ajak) akan dihargai antara Rp.25 – 50 per iklan. Misalkan referral kita melakukan hal sama dengan yang kita lakukan. Coba perhatikan dibawah ini.

Hari jumlah iklan komisi (Rp.25/klik iklan)

1 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

2 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

3 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

4 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

5 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

. . .

. . .

30 10 10 x Rp.25 = Rp. 250

Total 30 x 10 = 300 klik 300 klik x Rp.25 = Rp.7500

Lumayanlah dapat recehan tambahan sebesar Rp.7500.

Tapi ingat, itu baru dari satu situs PTC yang diikuti oleh referral anda. Kalau kita memiliki referral sebanyak 20 orang yang melakukan hal yang sama dengan yang kita lakukan. Berapakah yang bisa kita peroleh??

Rp.7500 x 20 = Rp.150000 à lumayan buat tambahan.

Oh ya lupa,..

Itu kan baru dari 1 situs PTC yang di ikuti oleh referral kita. Nah loh, bagaimana kalau dia mengikuti 10-20 program PTC sekaligus? Berapa komisi yang kita peroleh dari referral kita?

Nilainya lumayan untuk tambahan uang saku untuk kita anak kos yang perlu biaya tambahan untuk hidup. Kita bisa menghasilkan antara Rp.1,500,000-3,000,000.

Berapakah total semua komisi yang akan kita dapatkan?

Rp.300,000 dari klik pribadi kita dan Rp.3,000,000 dari klik referral kita.

Jadi totalnya yang kita peroleh adalah sebesar Rp.3,300,000

Wuisss,, dari bisnis recehan bisa dapet tambahan uang saku ampe jutaan.

Wajib di coba niehhh…